Daily Habits

What are your daily habits?

Nature calls and I’m up sometime between 6 and 8. I grab my glasses and phone and I stumble to the kitchen. Must get coffee. On my way, I have a nasty habit of rubbing my eyes. Bad girl! I plop on the couch where, between luscious sips of creamy coffee, I read emails, check SM sites, and try to wake up.

After about an hour, I clean myself up, grab another cup of joe and head to my home office to write. I pen poetry and prose off and on throughout the day.

For the last three months, I have been listening to a particular song that I am singing for our July 2nd Celebration of America service. If I’m not singing it, I’m thinking of it. This makes it difficult to concentrate on other tasks. You know, when you get that song stuck in your head.

I’ve gotten out of the habit of warming up my voice daily. I did that for over thirty years. I must get back to that again.

Other habits? I pray and read my Bible every day. Kevin and I like to read the Word together, so that usually happens when we break for lunch.

In the evening, Kev and I binge watch something. Then just before bed, I take my medicine like a good girl.

What are your daily habits?

One thought on “Daily Habits

  1. The day technically begins at midnight and at midnight I am still wide awake.

    My goal is to climb into bed between 1am and 2am to read a fiction book for an hour or so.

    My goal is be falling asleep around 3am but sometimes it is closer to 4am.

    My usual wake up time is then between 11:30am and 12:30pm. Seems late but it is 8 hours.

    My day starts out with general overall hurting (lower back, legs, headache)

    Get my meds ready and refill my gallon water jug.

    Decide if my body will accept coffee or not (some days my tummy say NO! lol).

    Listen to the Bible on Biblegateway.

    Open email and begin scrolling through it for important stuff, the rest later on.

    I spend most of my day scrolling FB and playing 3 different games on FB and sometimes chat in messenger.

    Throughout the day I recheck email and begin reading the rest of them.

    Around 6pm I will go to YouTube and check for new videos from my fav True Crime YouTubers.

    I bounce into FB and emails while listening to YouTube.

    Early evening, I also read a chapter in the book that we are reading in the summer book club I joined on FB.

    If I am writing, I begin that around 10pm till midnight or 1am.

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